Bohdi (Buddha) & Linus (nee Toby)


Hi Donna,

The boys are doing fine and here are a couple of pics.  Bohdi is a constant companion to whichever of us is around and regularly patrols the house including the basement and from the IP Cams we can see that he regularly interacts with Linus (who now approaches B with his tail up, a very good sign!).  Appetites are good.

Linus who at the beginning of the week was spending 70% of his time up on the window sill, now is there maybe 20% of the time, spending most of his awake time exploring the basement.  We have both been able to pet and skritch him when offering treats while on the sill, slowly building up his familiarity and confidence.  I just checked the cam and his is sprawled out, doing Sphinx pose under a table in the rec room.


You take care and we are spreading the NTCR message.

Kindly and with gratitude,

~ Gary & Sharon, Brohdi & Linus


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